

Ride within the immediate lush County neighboring Nairobi city, Kiambu County. Enjoy the views of the tea plantations, which is a cash crop in the County. Have a bite of lunch at the forest Reserve, before enjoying a zip tour above the tree canopies. Finish later with a ride through Gatamaiyu forest to Gatundu, then back to Nairobi via Oakland.
1. Time Needed: 1 day
2. Total Distance: Approximately 112miles / 180 kilometers
3. Approximate Off-road Distance: 40 miles / 65 Kilometers
4. Elevation Gain / Loss: 1695 meters / 5561 feet
5. Skill level: Intermediate
6. 4th may 2024
Tour cost: 150USD (Inclusive of bike rental (250cc), gas, lunch, and entry fees).


  1. Karirana

From Nairobi, ride through the backroads of Kiambu to Karirana, one of the ‘get to’ destinations for bikers in Kenya. Enjoy the ride through the tea plantations as you breath in the fresh air characterized by a mixed fragrance of raw tea leaves.

          2.Uplands Forest

Explore the plantations via designated trails, passing through the villages of Limuru, all the way to Uplands Forest. The trails may get challenging, hence requiring your off-roading skills.

           3.The forest

Straight, we will head to “The forest” located in Gatamaiyu forest, where we will get our lunch from the wide menu available.  Afterwards, you will have a zip tour, over the canopies of the vast forest. The views here are amazing.


After the breathtaking views above the forest, we will head straight to Karimenu dam through Gatamaiyu forest on our way to Gatundu. The stretch here is smooth and amazing. You may just experience a deep therapeutic moment.

From Gatundu, our tea and coffee plantation journey will continue as we traverse the outskirts of the upcoming town to Oaklands on our way to Nairobi through Kahawa West.

Tour Cost: 150USD (Inclusive of bike rental, gas, lunch, and entry fees)